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When our Secretary/Treasurer, Maria Butts, attended her first Montana League of Cities and Towns in 2016 with municipal employees and officials from all over Montana, she thought “Why isn’t Parks & Recreation here?” That thought was reinforced when her co-MTRPA board members asked the same question during an MTRPA mid-year meeting.  From there a seed was planted in the board’s mind that has now been cultivated into a new opportunity for Parks and Recreation Departments throughout Montana.  This fall, Montana League of Cities and Towns welcomed MTRPA and all Parks and Recreation Departments throughout the state to the 2019 MLTC Conference October 2 – 4th  where MTRPA hosted sessions that brought Montana Parks & Recreation professionals together for this collaborative conference.

Didn’t make it to MLTC 2019?

Maybe next year…

Until then, here is a recap of the fun you missed!

Parks and Recreation Directors Meeting
Our first meeting invited Parks and Recreation Directors from all areas of Montana to an open discussion that began by identifying topics, triumphs, and issues parks are currently faced with in their communities. Some of these topics included E-Bikes, Homelessness in Parks, Funding Strategies / Opportunities, Advisory Boards, and other important topics. Our MTRPA President Elect, Mitch Overton, took meeting minutes with the full topic list, DOWNLOAD P&R DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES HERE. Thanks, Mitch!

MTRPA Mid-Year Member Meeting
The Mid-Year meeting was open to all members attending the conference and it was available to stream live on-line.
This meeting was packed full of MTRPA updates including financial updates, upcoming membership changes, subcommittee reports, future tasks, and more! The board and membership also moved to approve the motion accepting Cassie Lasson as MTRPA’s first Resource Development Coordinator. Looking for more details on the action? Secretary/Treasurer Maria Butts provided a packet and took meeting minutes, here you can DOWNLOAD THE DRAFT 2019 MID-YEAR MEETING MINUTES and also DOWNLOAD THE OCTOBER-MID-YEAR-PACKET to follow along. Thank you, Maria!

MTRPA Annual Conference Planning Session

2020 is around the corner and we are gearing up for our Annual MTRPA Conference! This session was open to all members to get ideas and organized for our upcoming spring conference.

We are excited to see you in Butte for MTRPA Conference 2020 at the Copper King Hotel & Convention Center April 19 – 22! Look out for more info on registration and session details to come.

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