Mid-Year Meeting
October 26, 2023
3:00 PM Mountain Time
Billings Parks & Recreation
390 N 23rd St, Billings, MT 59101
The MTRPA Mid-Year will be held at Billings Parks & Recreation
Zoom Access Available
Voting reserved for members. Not a meber? Become a member today!
Questions? Email contact@mtrpa.info
About MTRPA Mid-Year Meetings
Mid-Year meetings are held once a year. The time and place of the meeting shall be determined at the preceding annual conference. The mid-year meeting shall be called by the President or the majority of the Executive Board at least one (1) month before the mid-year meeting date.
Meetings of the Association may be called by the President, a majority of the Executive Board, or by petition of thirty percent (30%) of the Voting Members of the Association. 6 The Executive Board shall meet at least two (2) times per year, at the annual and mid-year general membership meeting. Additional meetings, may be called by the President or a quorum of the Executive Board.
An “official” meeting is one in which the membership has been notified at least one month before the meeting. Voting members shall receive an agenda at least one week before any general membership meeting. The members present at any official meeting for and of the general membership of the Association shall be a quorum. Members using tele-conferencing or other real time electronic media shall be considered present. A majority affirmative vote of the Voting Members at an official meeting of this Association or of the Executive Board of the Association shall constitute approval of action by the body. At any meeting of the Association, each member present shall be entitled to cast one vote on any and all matters that shall come before such meeting.