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Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking applicants for three citizen advisory boards



May 4, 2021 12:00 AM

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking applicants for three citizen advisory boards: State Trails Advisory Committee, Snowmobile Advisory Committee and the Off-Highway Advisory Committee.

FWP advisory boards are tasked with advising FWP on the allocation of grant funds annually for FWP-managed recreation grant programs. Member involvement includes the review of grant applications, scoring and providing recommendations to the department for the allocation of available funding. The citizen committees typically meet twice annually.

The grant programs provide both state and federal funding for a diverse variety of recreational grants annually. Projects occur statewide and include motorized and non-motorized, summer and winter, urban and backcountry.

State Trails Advisory Committee (STAC)

The 10-member STAC advises FWP on the disbursement of approximately $1.5 million in federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funds each year. The program supports a diversity of trail opportunities statewide. A federal requirement of the program is that 30% of available funding must be committed to motorized projects, 30% to non-motorized projects and 40% to diversified (mixed) trail-use projects.

Additionally, the STAC advises FWP on the disbursement of the state-funded Montana Trail Stewardship Grant Program. This is a new program, with funding for projects coming from a portion of the proceeds of the Light Vehicle Registration Program. Similar disbursement guidelines are in place as RTP concerning the support of motorized, non-motorized and diversified trail use statewide. Currently, it is anticipated there will be approximately $1.25 million per year available to disperse.

Committee members serve a three-year term. At the end of the term, members may renew for a second term.

Seven STAC advisory positions are open: four motorized and three non-motorized. Interested citizen applicants should have broad interest in all public trail opportunities, not just a specific use, area, or recreation type.


Snowmobile Advisory Committee (SAC)

Montana has a robust and well-managed snowmobile program, in no small part due to the dedicated volunteers who perform the winter grooming activities in their local communities. The five-member citizen SAC advises the department on the allocation of approximately $420,000 in grooming funds to 25 clubs annually. Additionally, funding is available to replace equipment in the grooming fleet. The SAC advises the department on the expenditure of $400,000-$600,000 in snowmobile equipment funding each biennium.

The SAC typically meets twice yearly to discuss funding allocations and related issues concerning Montana’s snowmobile program, such as groomer operator training, avalanche education efforts and similar common issues. Committee members serve a three-year term. At the end of the term, members may renew for a second term.

Two SAC advisory positions are open.


Off-Highway Advisory Committee (OHVAC)

The OHVAC is a five-member citizen advisory group that is involved with the disbursement of grant funds that primarily benefit motorized recreational users statewide. There are two state-funded motorized grant programs: the conventional OHV program, which typically accepts applications for and allocates up to $210,000 annually, and the Summer Motorized Recreation Trails Grant Program. Funding for this new program is anticipated to be approximately $235,000 annually.

The OHVAC typically meets annually to review grant applications received and provide funding recommends to the department. Committee members serve a three-year term. At the end of the term, members may renew for a second term.

Two OHVAC advisory positions are open.

To apply

Interested applicants must send a letter of interest for the specific advisory committee opening. Letters of interest are required to include:

  1. Name, address, telephone number and email address.
  1. The advisory committee that you are interested in serving on.
  1. A description of the types of trail-related activities you participate in, keeping in mind that we’re seeking individuals with broad recreational backgrounds and interests, representation from all parts of Montana, and similar factors.
  1. The names of any recreational organizations to which you belong.
  1. Any other experience, perspectives, interests or similar factors you may wish offer that will benefit decisions concerning the disbursement of these recreational grant funds annually.

Interested citizens should have a strong interest in diversified recreation throughout Montana and the improvements possible via these grant opportunities.

For more information, contact Colleen Furthmyre at 406-444-3750. Letters of interest should be emailed to Furthmyre at

The deadline for letters of interest is Friday, June 4, 2021.

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