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Membership Opportunites

MTRPA is excited to bring wonderful opportunities and involvement from park and recreation professionals and supporters all over Montana!

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Members of MTRPA are those who have an interest in parks, trails, recreation, natural resources, and/or tourism in the State of Montana, and have paid their annual dues to the Association. Members are categorized by their profession, association, involvement, and interest. 

Members are vital to the success of MTRPA. Benefits of membership include voting privileges, discounted annual conference and training rates, legislative updates, MTRPA newsletters, free job postings, and membership information. Some commercial memberships include additional benefits such as website ads. Active members are those who have paid their annual dues. Scroll down to refer to the membership types for detail about benefits.

How to JOIN or RENEW the MTRPA membership:

  1. Review the memberships tiers below and choose what is best for you or your organization.
  2. Fill out the On-line Membership Application where you will be prompted to pay dues with PayPal. After PayPal payment you will be redirected to a page thank you page with more instruction on how to confirm your membership and you will receive a receipt to the email provided during registration.

    If not paying on-line, fill out this downloadable application and email it to Make checks payable to MTRPA. Send to:
    City of Whitefish Parks & Recreation
    ATTN: Carla Belski
    P.O. Box 158
    Whitefish, MT 59937

  3. Lookout for an emails from If you do not receive confirmation emails from, you may need to ask your IT professional how to whitelist so that we can make sure you are receiving all communications from us.

Membership Tiers

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in parks, recreation and conservation for an enhanced quality of life in Montana. Membership applies to a calendar year, and membership types and benefits are summarized below.

Professional Membership

Individuals or organizations that provide recreation, tourism, or related services and/or provide for the management and operations of parks, trails, conservations lands, recreation facilities, and public access to recreation. Members generally have a demonstrated interest in the goals and objectives of the Association. Examples of these types of members include municipal, state or federal employees that work in the aforementioned fields. This category may include temporary, lifetime, honorary members as determined and designated by the Board of Directors.

Professional Membership Fee Structure
Individual Professional Single parks and recreation professional membership $60
Small Organization (20 members) Population 5,000 and below $120
Mid-Sized (40 member) Population between 5,000-20,000 $240
Large Organization (60) Population above 20,000 $360

Affiliate/Partner/Educational Institution Membership

This category of memberships is offered to organizations outside the traditional professional membership. These include citizens and organizations that act in a political and/or advisory capacity related to parks, recreation, or recreation resource management. Membership is also available to students preparing themselves for a career in recreation and parks at one of the institutions of higher education in Montana. Students studying at a university outside of Montana may obtain an individual student membership. This category includes volunteers and any other individual, group, or organization that wishes to partner, or work cooperatively, to support any goals or projects of the Association.

Affiliate, Partner, Educational Institution
Individual Student Single student $15
Individual Affiliate/Advocate Individual affiliate/advocate membership $20
Nonprofit/Affiliate Partner Organization (20 members) Staff and/or partners $60
Educational Institution All students majoring and parks, recreation, forestry, or related fields and Professors $120

Commercial Membership

Commercial membership are offered to commercial organization or for profit organizations who wish to support the Association and receive the benefits of membership. Commercial memberships have tiered benefits that are summarized in the attach fee schedule.

Commercial entities (members or non-members) also have the opportunity to advertise here on our website. Please see our Advertising for more information. (Website ads are included in the Commercial Premiere membership tier.)

Commercial Membership
Commercial Individual Individual commercial membership. Access to membership list. $80
Commercial Organization Membership for all employees! Access to membership list. Discounted exhibitor booth at annual conference with preferred table location. $240
Commercial Premiere Membership for all employees! Website ad for one year included! Access to membership list. Discounted exhibitor booth at annual conference with preferred table location. $360

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are payable January 1st. Membership fees shall be approved annually at the Association meeting. (Fee schedule effective January 1st of each year.) Apply today!