Have you ever wanted to strengthen your professional development in our parks and recreation profession, but weren’t sure how to proceed? Consider joining the Mentorship Program sponsored by the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA) and National Recreation and Park Association’s Young Professionals Network (YPN). The Mentorship Program pairs young professionals, students, and new directors with Mentors who can provide a sounding board, advise, and feedback to help Mentees achieve their goals. The purpose of the program is to provide each Mentee with development opportunities through a relationship with an experienced professional. Still not sure? Listen first-hand on this recorded webinar to the experiences from four emerging leaders, as well as two professionals who served as mentors this past year. You’ll be glad you took the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and explore professional development, coaching, and support. Registration for the Mentorship Program is open now through Friday, February 11, 2022. Go here for more info and to register: https://aapra.org/Programs/Mentorship-Program